A Pulse generator based on an Arduino platform for ultrasonic

Author : Pedro Acevedoa, Mónica Vázqueza, Joel Durána, Rodolfo Petrearcea
Source : Physics Procedia 70 ( 2015) 1096 – 1099

Summary of Reported Research :
Pulsed methods allow to determine the speed, by measuring the time requiring the pulse to travel through the medium and back. The pulse generator is one of the critical components in an ultrasonic system. Because it is the device that produces the electrical pulses that are applied to the emitter transducer. The most important parameters are frequency, amplitude and power of these electrical pulses, which determine the energy delivered to the ultrasonic transducer. Ultrasonic non-destructive testing applications are often based on pulsed electrical excitation of the piezoelectric transducers (e.g.: PZTs) by means of a single-phase pulse (shock excited) or by means of two-phase waves (burst excited); using to produce these pulses, generators (pulsers) producing voltages in the order of hundreds of volts, these pulsers usually include as circuit breaker SCRs or MOSFETs.

Strength of reported Invention :
-       1. Consumes low power
-       2. No need cooling system to dissipate heat
-       3. High voltage drivers are not required

Weakness of reported Invention :
-        1. A high gain is still needed


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